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Natural Carpet Washing and Cleaning

Natural Carpet Washing and Cleaning


One of the greatest challenges for pet owners is removing stains from pet  accidents  using natural carpet cleaning techniques and without using harsh chemicals.


Natural Carpet Washing and Cleaning Belgrade

It doesnt matter how hard you try, you cant prevent your carpet from getting dirty. You want to keep the carpets looking nice, and dont want to worry about all the living that goes on in your living room! Keeping the carpets in your home clean and stain free is a challenge, especially if you have any combination of heavy traffic, children andor pets. Natural carpet cleaning methods are easy once you have a few simple tools and the right formulas. We will show you how to eliminate the use of chemicals to maintain the carpets in your home.

Use your Vacuum First!

The best first step in proper carpet maintenance is frequent vacuuming, which removes deeply embedded dirt, sand and particles which will split and wear out the carpet fibers. Carpet experts recommend vacuuming thoroughly every week to keep dirt and dust to a minimum. If you happen to be one of the lucky ones who dont mind vacuuming, you ve got it made! The rest of us just have to force ourselves to be disciplined and get the vacuum cleaner out regularly.

Basic Carpet Freshener

If you have a powerful vacuum cleaner, you can make a natural carpet freshener from your favorite essential oil and baking soda. Add approximately 10 to 20 drops of your favorite essential oil for each cup of baking soda. Mix well to distribute the oils and break up any clumps. Use a jar with a shaker cap to sprinkle evenly over carpet, and let sit while you do your other cleaning, and then vacuum. Be sure to do this on a dry day so the baking soda doesnt pick up any moisture. If you have pets, you can add 1/2 cup of borax to keep away fleas, but be sure to keep both pets and children off the carpet while the mixture is down. Note: if you use a bagging vacuum cleaner, make sure you have extra bags on hand, as this will fill up the vacuum bag quickly.

Carpet Stain Formula I

One of the greatest challenges for pet owners is removing stains from pet  accidents  using natural carpet cleaning techniques and without using harsh chemicals. Pet urine has both acid and alkaline components which should be counteracted by using both baking soda and vinegar. Try this formula for new stains.
1 cup vinegar
1 cup water
1/2 cup baking soda
Mix in a spray bottle. Blot accidents with dry towels, paper towels or even a baby diaper if you have one, and then spray, blot excess and let dry. Repeat, if needed, to eliminate odors.

Basic Carpet Stain Formula II

Heres another natural carpet cleaning formula to try.
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup vinegar
Mix the three ingredients into a paste. Use a clean, white towel to rub the mixture directly into the stain. and leave for a few hours. Vacuum thoroughly.

Basic Pet Stain Formula

Try this on stains that have already set.
Caution: test first on a hidden area
to be sure the peroxide wont change the color of the carpet.
Baking Soda
White Vinegar
Liquid glycerin soap (or dish soap)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Mix equal parts of vinegar and water, and work the mixture well into the stain using a clean white towel. Blot well, and let dry. Once the area is dry, sprinkle baking soda generously over the spot. Mix together 1/4 cup peroxide with 1/2 tsp liquid soap, then pour the soap mixture over the baking soda to dissolve it into the nap of the carpet. Work the paste down deep into the fibers. Blot again, and let dry. Vacuum to remove the residue. You may have to repeat this treatment on persistent stains. 
Note: You may be tempted to use a scrub brush for this treatment, but you risk splitting the carpet fibers if you work it too vigorously.

The Usual Precautions

Always keep carpet cleaning solutions out of the reach of children and pets, including your own natural carpet cleaning mixtures.

When treating stains or using carpet freshener, make sure to keep children and pets off the carpet until you are certain you have thoroughly vacuumed.

Label and store your natural carpet cleaning mixtures as carefully as you would any other cleaning products. Although they are made from safe ingredients, they should be treated with caution.

Follow manufacturer,s directions first for both wool and synthetic carpets. Always test your mixture on small, hidden areas of your carpets to be certain there won,t be any damage or discoloration.


Carpet Service Belgrade